Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Newton was wrong?

Inspired by their recent succes with the 'intelligent design' theory , it seems the US creationists are taking it a little too far with their latest theories.

A museum in Arkansas tells it visitors that, contrary to common belief, dinosaurs actually walked the world with humans, and that Noah took , albeit small, dinosaur species with him on the Ark.

And in Kansas, scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held "theory of gravity" is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.

If they keep this up, pretty soon the US will be an Intelligent Country.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Summer's almost gone...

As the summer of 2005 draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the past months by why of a personal (s)hit list.

Biggest thrill/scare: when my darling wife told me she was pregnant with twins.

Biggest disappointment: the weather

Biggest festival: the Pope festival in Köln

Biggest Anthem: Washin Up by Thomas Anderson (tiga remix)

Biggest hype: evacuation of jewish colonists in Gaza.

Biggest shock: London tube bombings

Biggest violation of human rights: shooting of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in London in the aftermah of the bombings

Biggest accident waiting to happen : Iraq

Biggest Woman : Cindy Sheehan

Smallest President: GW

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ancient beliefs.

I apologise for the summer lull in my blog. :]
Here are some quintessential QI facts (courtesy

Three tribes in the world- the Ainu of Northern Japan and two tribes in the Pacific North-West of America- believe that the world is supported on the back of a giant trout.

Columbus believed the world was pear-shaped.

Descartes asserted that monkeys and apes probably were able to talk but kept quiet in case they were asked to do any work.

Alexander Graham Bell believed moonlight was dangerous.

Bertrand Russell believed that if a man was away from his wife for more than three weeks it was acceptable for him to have sex with other women.