Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Monsanto is not worried about mon-santé.

Researchers at Monsanto tested rats and covered that their GM MON 863, a modified corn already grown and eaten in the US and Canada, causes the rodents to develop kidney disease and low blood count . The results weren't supposed to come out and when they did, Monsanto dismissed the results as meaningless and due to chance, reflecting normal variations between rats.

I still would like some more testing done please, preferably by a third party, before the EU grants permission to sell Monsanto's products to my kids.

Six years ago Dr Arpad Pusztai , a British scientist and a GM fan, already found disturbing evidence that the GM potatoes he was studying damaged the immune systems, brains, livers and kidneys of rats. He mentioned it briefly in a TV interview and at the same time threw his career out the window. Read what happened to him in this article: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/science_technology/story.jsp?story=640402

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