Thursday, June 02, 2005

EU in tatters?

What's all the negativism around the NO verdicts delivered by the French & the Dutch in the EU constitution referenda? Some commentators are acting like we're doomed. Wake up and smell the coffee! This is how democracy is supposed to work , not by ramming political decisions down people's throats. There is only so much change people can take in a certain amount of time. Let's see...
1999: a new currency; that's quite a huge change , affecting everybody's lives
2004: EU-15 becomes EU-25, former communist countries (some piss poor) join the club
2005: Turkey is about to join and a constitution of 480 pages is drafted
no wonder people voted for a time-out.
Did you know that the constitution contains passages minutely describing the wages and severance packages of the EU bureaucrats? Does that belong in a constitution?

The referenda will restore part of the public's lost confidence in politics and may benefit the political project called EU in the long run.
As the French would say: Reculer pour mieux sauter.

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